2005:Symbolic Melodic Similarity Results

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These are the results for the 2005 running of the Audio Melody Extraction task set.


To retrieve the most similar incipits from the RISM A/II collection, given one of the incipits as a query.


558 MusicXML files of the incipits from the RISM collection. 11 incipits of this collection are chosen as queries. These MusicXML files were converted to MIDI files.


The scores reported here are averaged over the 11 queries.

Rank Participant Average Dynamic Recall Normalized Recall at Group Boundaries Average precision (non-interpolated) Precision at N documents (N is number of relevant document) Input Data Format Runtime (s) Machine Detailed Evaluation Result
1 Grachten, Arcos & Mántaras 65.98% 55.24% 51.72% 44.33% MIDI 80.174 * B0 GAM_eval.txt
2 Orio, N. 64.96% 53.35% 42.96% 39.86% XML 24.610 B4 O_eval.txt
3 Suyoto & Uitdenbogerd 64.18% 51.79% 40.42% 41.72% MIDI 48.133 B3 SU_eval.txt
4 Typke, Wiering & Veltkamp 57.09% 48.17% 35.64% 33.46% MIDI 51240 B4 TWV_eval.txt
5 Lemström, Mikkilä, Mäkinen & Ukkonen (P3) 55.82% 46.56% 41.40% 39.18% MIDI 10.007 * B0 LMMU_P3_eval.txt
6 Lemström, Mikkilä, Mäkinen & Ukkonen (DP) 54.27% 47.26% 39.91% 36.20% MIDI 10.106 * B0 LMMU_DP_eval.txt
7 Frieler & Müllensiefen 51.81% 45.10% 33.93% 33.71% MIDI 54.593 B4 FM_eval.txt